20 Zamalek Ultras fans get three years in jail

Von Ahram Online

Violence between football fan Ultras and security forces was recurrent in the last four years


An Egyptian court sentenced Wednesday 20 members of the Ultras White Knights, Zamalek Football Club’s hardcore fans, to three years in jail on charges of inciting violence and assaulting security forces.

The 20 young men were arrested last March after a match between Zamalek and an African team at Cairo Stadium that witnessed a series of clashes between the hardcore Zamalek fans and security forces.

The court order gave the 20 members two years in jail for inciting murder and a third year on charges of damaging public and private property and also assaulting security forces.

Families of the convicted received the court order with tears and sorrow while lawyers tried to calm them down.

Many club fans are detained on charges of violating a controversial law that bans public demonstrations without prior authorisation from the police.

At least 36 Ultras White Knights in detention have joined a growing hunger strike campaign started last week to denounce the detention of political activists and to demand reform of the protest law.

Quelle: Ahram Online, 28. Januar 2015

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