Attacks on black fans show rising tide of fan racism amid Ukraine’s turmoil

Von James Ellingworth

KIEV, Ukraine — Instead of being one of the biggest sports events of the year in troubled Ukraine, Dynamo Kiev’s game against Chelsea in the Champions League turned into a public display of the country’s struggle to contain violent racists.

Echoing past decades of European football violence, at least eight people were brutally beaten at the game, including a 21-year-old African student.

While clashes between rival fans are comparatively common at Ukrainian league games, racist attacks on such a large scale are rare. This comes at a time when the country’s small black population is under pressure.

“Around the 25th minute, I started to take photographs on my phone,” the student told The Associated Press. “When I picked up the phone to look at the photographs I’d taken, I was hit. I fell down some stairs and felt almost as if I had lost consciousness.”

The Congolese student, who asked not to be identified for fear of reprisals, spent almost a week in hospital with a head wound and injuries to his nose which required surgery. A keen football fan who attended games in his previous home in a provincial Ukrainian city, he now says he cannot face going to the stadium again.

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Wroclaw-Ultras zeigen rassistische Choreo

Von  jaso

Ultras des polnischen Erstligisten Slask Wroclaw haben vor dem Spiel gegen Lech Posen mit einer rassistischen Choreo für einen Skandal gesorgt.

In der Kurve der Heimfans wurde eine riesige Blockfahne hochgezogen, das einen Kreuzritter in Mitteleuropa und drei Flüchtlingsboote im Mittelmeer zeigte. “Wenn Europa von der islamischen Pest überschwemmt wird, lasst uns das das Christentum verteidigen”, war als Schriftzug zu lesen. “Ganz schön arbeitsintensiver Rassismus”, kommentierte ein Twitterer die Choreo zynisch:

Dario Brentin @sportingbalkans: That’s some labour-instensive racism! #Slask Wroclaw tifo y’day: ‘Stand in defense of Christianity’ #refugeeswelcome

Die drei Boote trugen die Schriftzüge “USS Hussein”, “USS Isis” und “USS Bin Laden”. Die große polnische Zeitung “Gazeta Wyborcza” thematisiert die Choreo auf ihrem Ableger “” nur nüchtern und nachrichtlich.

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