Von Rebel Ultras
National meeting of the Calcio popolare in Italy, to discuss the future of the movement
Against modern football, a slogan that express the passion of every every real football lover. In Italy there is a movement that is trying to transform words into actions. Is the movement of ‘Calcio popolare’, the ‘football of the people’, a movement that following the example of club like United of Manchester is trying to rebuilt the football from it’s basis, creating club owned by the people, not based on market and profit logics, and inspired by values like anti-fascism, anti-racism and anti-sexism. The 5th of January Spartak Lidense (https://www.facebook.com/SpartakLidense/?fref=ts) organised the second national meeting in Rome, in the squat “CSOA Auro e Marco”, to discuss the future of the movement. More than 50 people came from all over Italy, to represent 19 clubs.
There were ASD Ardita (https://www.facebook.com/arditasanpaolo/),
Atletico San Lorenzo (https://www.facebook.com/atleticosanlorenzocalciopopolare/),
Liberi Nantes (https://www.facebook.com/liberinantes/),
Dinamo Ostia (https://www.facebook.com/dinamo.ostia/)
Torpedo Roma from Rome and clubs from other regions:
Spartak Lecce (https://www.facebook.com/spartak.lecce/),
Asd Quartograd,
Lokomotiv Flegrea (https://www.facebook.com/LokomotivFlegrea/),
Atletico Brigante (https://www.facebook.com/atleticobrigante/),
Cs Lebowski (https://www.facebook.com/cslebowski/),
Ardita Due Mari (https://www.facebook.com/Ardita-Due-Mari-758445840913686/),
Stella Rossa (https://www.facebook.com/stellarossa2006/),
AC Pozzo (https://www.facebook.com/A.C.Pozzo/), Cava Utd (https://www.facebook.com/CavaUnited/),
Csrc Cuore 1990 (https://www.facebook.com/csrccuore1990/),
Atletico Pop United (https://www.facebook.com/Atletico-Pop-United-1684794061742303/),
Atletico Rebelde (https://www.facebook.com/atleticorebelde/),
Ideale Bari (https://www.facebook.com/idealebari/).
The discussions were focused on 3 main issues. The ‘Technical/bureaucratic’, on things like how to create an amateur football team, how to manage it and how to inscribe the in the National amateur football league. The second topic was the economic one, how to do the shareholders trust to finance the club, what kind of funding can be used to find the money for every need of the team, from the shirts, to the ball, to the pitch an the travel for the away game and so on. The last discussion was about support and repression. Also in the calcio popolare there is an ‘ultras’ movement and all the problems linked to its repression. There are chants, banners, pyros, but also ‘daspo’ (interdictions to follows the matches).
In the Manifesto of the meeting we can read: “The calcio popolare in recent years, is experiencing exponential growth and new teams continue to be created in every corner of the country.
Each one seeking the most appropriate way to pursue a project that promotes active solidarity, aggregation and refuses all forms of discrimination”, the goal is “to bring back the real values in the world of football, fighting the corruption that in recent years has been the protagonist in the scene”. “Only together we can let our voice be heard, and not just locally”, continues the manifesto, “one of the goals that we would like to realize is to organise a summer tournament that represents the essence of football of the people and that, in addition to sports, could becomes a moment of understanding and comparison between new realities and those already well structured, to give a solid basis to this movement in his evolution”. The next meeting will be in Napoli the third week of July, organised by the Neapolitan teams in the stadium of Quartograd. Three day of sport, discussion, music and fun.
Quelle: Rebel Ultras, 10. Januar 2016