Riazor Blues: “Dies nennt man Mord”

Von Faszination Fankurve

Die Riazor Blues, Ultras von Deportivo La Coruna, deren Mitglied bei den Auseinandersetzungen in Madrid verstorben ist, melden sich erstmals zu den Vorfällen zu Wort. Diese widersprechen den Aussagen, dass sie konspirativ nach Madrid gereist sind. Den Vorfall selbst bezeichnen sie als Mord.

Mit der Pressemitteilung wollen die Ultras gegen Ungerechtigkeit kämpfen. Das Todesopfer Jimmy wurde nach Angaben der Riazor Blues mit einer Stange auf den Kopf geschlagen und anschließend in einen kalten Fluss geworfen.

Die Zaunfahne der Riazor Blues im heimischen Stadion.<br />Bild: Schalke-Fotos.de
Die Zaunfahne der Riazor Blues im heimischen Stadion. Bild: Schalke-Fotos.de

Bei Ankunft des Busses der Riazor Blues sollen nach deren Angaben 250 Frente Atlético und andere rechtsgerichtete Ultras, die dazu noch bewaffnet waren, einen Angriff auf den Bus aus La Coruna gestartet haben.

Weiterhin kritisieren die Ultras die Medien, die über den Fall berichteten und wenig Respekt gegenüber den Angehörigen des Opfers zeigten und auch bei der Beerdigung die Privatsphäre der Trauernden missachteten. Traurig sind die Ultras darüber, dass die Mannschaft von Deportivo La Coruna keine Statement der Anteilnahme am Tod des Opfers zeigte, das dem Team jahrelang durch Spanien folgte. Die gleiche Kritik geht in Richtung des Vorstandes von Deportivo La Coruna. Die Riazor Blues bedanken sich bei befreundeten Ultras, wie den Bukaneros, die ihnen in den schweren Zeiten zur Seite standen.

Abschließend heißt es in der Mitteilung der Ultras: „Wir waren die Opfer eines Hinterhalts. Ein Deportivo-Fan wurde grausam ermordet. Riazor Blues ist kein verdammter Name. Wir schreien zusammen, gestern, heute und morgen.“ Die Riazor Blues machen damit deutlich, dass sie sich von den Maßnahmen gegen Ultras in Spanien nicht unterkriegen lassen wollen.

Die Pressekonferenz der Riazor Blues:

Faszination Fankurve dokumentiert die Pressemitteilung der Riazor Blues in englischer Sprache:

Riazor Blues (RC Deportivo La Coruña) press release in English:

First of all, Riazor Blues want to clarify that if we have not spoken in public before, we have done so out of respect for the family and friends of the murdered person, in these so complicated days, for them and for us.

This very press release is an exercise of transparency against an injustice. It is not easy to have to justify ourselves because of the aggressions suffered last Sunday near the stadium of Atlético de Madrid, which led to the brutal murder of a member of our group: ‘Jimmy’.

It is deplorable and inhumane to blame a working class person – who did not have an easy life – instead of condemning, seeking and catching his killers. In any case, neither Jimmy nor any helpless person, as he was, deserves to be beaten with iron rods by a neo-Nazi group, beaten to death in the head and then be thrown into a frozen river from a terribleheight. This is called murder.

About what happened last Sunday near the Vicente Calderón [stadium], Riazor Blues want to emphasise that there was no pre-arranged meeting whatsoever with members of Frente Atlético, or with any other group supporting that team. Riazor Blues simply organised a trip identical to previous ones, from the centre of our city, driving on major roads, not taking secondary roads, and without any intent to evade police officers, like some media have reported. We were not aware of what we would find there at all, because otherwise we would have cancelled the trip. We were subjected to a wild and criminal ambush, where ultra-right groups from a number of countries were present, seeking global impact.

250 members of Frente Atlético, armed to the teeth, attacked us soon after we got off the bus with a very clear intention: to kill. This statement is proven by the amount of colleagues who have been injured with crude weapons and the murdered one himself. [He] received all kind of blows with iron rods, also in the head, which according to the autopsy were the cause of the death, only to be mercilessly thrown to the river, as is visible in the images that we all saw these days. Instead of fleeing, we tried to defend ourselves. Thanks to this decision today we are only crying for Jimmy, instead of having to bury five or six of our fans.

Riazor Blues also want to denounce the harassment to which we are subjected by most media, trying to justify Jimmy’s murder without showing any respect for the pain and suffering that his family and friends are going through, often interrupting Jimmy’s wake to capture morbid images, getting their noses into a private ceremony, to the point where even the police had to expel them.

As for the players of our team… We want to remind that we have been asked for commitment, and that is what we have always shown them passionately, giving all of our love. It feels sad that they did not have the slightest sign of affection towards the family of the murdered in these dramatic moments. A Depor fan lost his life in a cruel murder. His team ignored him.

Regarding the directors board, we have to say that we find the reasons why we have been harassed by them from the beginning both shameful and difficult to understand, because the only proven thing so far is that several Depor fans were stabbed and one killed. The lack of solidarity from the board of the RC Deportivo La Coruña, since their actions, submission to partial information and the statements of its president, are unfair to the name of Riazor Blues, [an organisation] which has been present for 28 years through all Deportivismo.

Finally, we want to insist on presenting our most sincere condolences to the family and friends of the cruelly slain by Frente Atlético. [We also want to] sincerely thank all the people and groups of the [Spanish] State that have expressed their support, very specially to the Rayo Vallecano’s Bukaneros, for being with us at the hospital, funeral and burial, showing from the beginning to the end their unconditional support, with a humanity that we miss so much in other instances, such as the board, coaching staff and players.

We believe that our message is clear. We were the victims of an ambush. A deportivista was cruelly murdered. Riazor Blues is not a damned name. We shout together, yesterday, today and tomorrow: Forza Depor!

Quelle: Faszination Fankurve, 10. Dezember 2014

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