Ultras Green Eagles protest in support of Port Said massacre defendants

The Green Eagles Ultras, a group of Al-Masry Club football fans, staged a protest Friday evening to support defendants in the Port Said Stadium massacre.

The march kicked off at Mariam Mosque in the al-Monakh neighborhood where hundreds of Ultras members, families of the defendants and Wafd Party leaders participated.

The protesters raised images outside Port Said Prison of defendants sentenced to death, as well as banners that demanded the prosecution of former Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim over the killing of 54 protesters.

They chanted against presenter Ahmed Moussa and Zamalek Club chief and lawyer Mortada Mansour for receiving LE2 million to defend the accused without attending the sessions.

The Green Eagles Ultras announced in a statement on its Facebook page it would continue to protest until the final verdict on May 30.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

Quelle: Egypt Independent, 25. April 2015

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